GAP-43 (Growth associated protein-43, neuromodulin) is a cytoplasmic axonal membrane protein that is involved in the neuronal outgrowth and synaptic plasticity of developing and regenerating neurons . Palmitoylated GAP-43 attaches to the membrane via lipid rafts, while the unmodified form is a component of the centrosome. GAP-43 binds to calmodulin in the absence of Ca++ and functions as a substrate for PKC in the nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling pathway. Gap-43 functions as an adapter protein, binding and interacting with several molecules including PKC, PIP2, actin, calmodulin, spectrin, palmitate, synaptophysin, amyloid, and tau. A lack of GAP-43 or phosphorylation leads to severe neuronal developmental or learning disfunction.